In an effort to bring “Art For Every Season” the Duchesne Arts Council sponsors events for each season of the year. Winter brings the joy of Christmas and the glow of the holiday season and is the perfect setting for the Winter Art Festival this Thursday, December 5th. There is a free kids craft and some treats that start at 4pm and will go until 5:30pm. At 5:30pm, the Duchesne Community Orchestra and other local musicians will hold a free concert and a Christmas sing along. For those that want to be part of the final event you will need to purchase tickets. The cost is $15 to paint “Twinkle” the Art Fever for Youth subject and $25 for “Wonder” the Art Escape. Roosevelt artist Amy Snow and Duchesne artist Danita Hinton will guide students through these fun winter paintings from 6pm to 8pm. Tickets can be purchased through
Full Link: http://duchesneartscouncil.