As always, local agencies are participating in the National Drug Take Back Day providing the perfect opportunity to safely dispose of unused pills or patches. As prescription drug abuse is on the rise, one of the simplest ways to be safe is to turn in expired, unused, and unwanted prescription pills. “Prescription drug abuse, particularly for painkillers, has risen to epidemic levels nationwide, and Utah is no exception,” shares Attorney General Sean Reyes. “Prescription drugs, when administered and taken responsibly, can be a productive tool for pain management. But far too often, what begins innocently can lead to dependence and devastation.” Previous methods of disposal like flushing drugs down the toilet or just throwing them out, has been found to create potential safety and health hazards for families and the community. Bring your pills and patches to Walmart in Vernal on Saturday, April 24th from 10am to 2pm for proper disposal. This service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.