The efforts of local law enforcement and TriCounty Health Department are aimed at keeping prescription drugs out of the wrong hands. The next Drug Take Back event will be held in Vernal and Roosevelt this Saturday as an opportunity to safely dispose of prescription drugs, no questions asked. “We want to prevent the wrong people, like kids and drug abusers, from getting prescriptions in their hands,” shares Sgt. Brian Fletcher of the Uintah County Sheriff’s Office. “Prescription abuse is an issue we are dealing with on a regular basis. It is a very prevalent thing in our area, as it is in the state and a nation.” According to TriCounty Health, rates of prescription drug ab use in the U.S. are alarmingly high as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses. With the majority of prescription drug abusers obtaining the drugs from the home medicine cabinets of family and friends, it’s vital to rid homes of expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. Drop off prescription drugs this Saturday to the law enforcement officers in the parking lots of Walmart in Vernal and Davis Food and Drug in Roosevelt.