Division of Water Resources Says Wait To Water

by | Mar 22, 2021 | News | 0 comments

With spring in the air it may be tempting to want to start watering your landscaping but the Utah Division of Water Resources has a clear message for all: Wait to Water. The U.S. Drought Monitor data from March 16th shows Daggett County in Severe Drought and Extreme Drought and Duchesne County and Uintah County as a combination of Extreme Drought and Exceptional Drought, which are the two highest levels. On March 17th, Governor Cox declared a state of emergency due to the current drought conditions. As a result all are asked to let your turf build up strong roots and resiliency before summer. “Watering too soon can lead to shallow weak roots and could actually do more damage than good to your lawn,” shares the Division of Water Resources. “Turf may look like it’s really thirsty but it’s really because it’s dormant. So when should you start watering your landscape? We will tell you when! We promise that we don’t want your landscape to die and we won’t make recommendations that would do that.” So with that said, the direction is that ALL counties need ZERO watering for now. 

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