Discovery Student Safety The Aim Of LED Pedestrian Crossing Sign On 500 West 

by | Apr 7, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Pedestrian safety is an ongoing topic when it comes to traffic in and out of Discovery Elementary School. Among the projects underway to increase safety is movement to have an LED pedestrian actuated crossing sign installed on 500 West at Robinwood Lane. Vernal City Council discussed the safety issue during their late March meeting and the Council members agreed that walking to and from Discovery Elementary presents an especially dangerous situation to student pedestrians. The traffic on 500 West often travels at higher speeds and there are growing neighborhoods requiring more students to cross that busy street. City Manager Quinn Bennion noted during the discussion that other schools want similar things and one approach is to have the neighborhood partner with the City. The Council members discussed this and agreed that this safety hazard is a unique situation as the road in question does not border the school. Councilmember Corey Foley moved to approve the purchase and installation of an LED pedestrian actuated sign across  500 West with the intention that if the bid is over $8,000 dollars they consider the option of having the community help pay for the upgrade. The motion passed unanimously.  

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