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Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo Requesting Improvements To Western Park Arena

by | Jul 26, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Record breaking crowds have inspired the folks with Vernal’s Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo to request major improvements to the Western Park facility. The group announced this month that they are working with Uintah County on a Request for Qualifications for a Western Park Arena Complex Master Plan. Their vision for improvements to the facility includes adding an indoor equine/agriculture center arena, moving the existing outdoor arena closer to the covered grandstands, adding new continuous bleachers on the west and south sides of the arena to increase seating capacity by 2,500 people, and building a  VIP/Suite seating area at the east side of the covered bleachers. ADA compliant seating would be added throughout the entire venue and they also want to add additional restrooms, vendor/food truck power, RV stalls for contestants, and horse stalls, among other requests. Vernal’s Dinosaur Roundup Rodeo is setting up a permanent improvement account for any interested in making contributions to support improvements. 

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