Dinosaur National Monument Visitor Center Closing For Upgrades

by | Oct 9, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The Dinosaur National Monument Visitor Center will be closing in 2 weeks to undergo construction. National Park Service shares that the construction project, totaling approximately $577,000 dollars, is to improve the heating and cooling system. “The project includes replacing the current duct work and installing a new heating and cooling system,” shares the announcement. “The visitor center will close on October 23rd while staff move into temporary facilities located in the parking lot. During construction, the Quarry Visitor Center will be closed, and staff will provide visitor services in temporary facilities in the visitor center parking lot beginning on Saturday, October 28th…The Quarry Exhibit Hall will remain open and access to the dinosaur fossils in the Quarry Exhibit Hall will not be affected by this project.” The project is being funded by the National Park Service Repair/Rehabilitation Fund. It is scheduled to officially begin on October 30th and is expected to be complete by March 30th, 2024.

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