Dinosaur National Monument Gets Real About Mosquitoes

by | Jun 20, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Leave it to the Park Rangers of Dinosaur National Monument to see the good in all creatures, even the super annoying ones! Accompanied by a hopefully photoshopped image of three rangers being carried off by hulked out mosquitos, the Rangers have somehow pulled off the impossible and shared the positives of the abundant mosquito population during this time of year. “Mosquitoes are a really important food source for a variety of animals you do like,” shares the announcement. “For example: a bear eats a deer, who had eaten a flower, which had been pollinated by a bat, which fed on a lot of mosquitoes, which had previously fed on you.” Those wishing to avoid being part of that food chain when visiting the Monument are encouraged to pack bug repellent, especially so while visiting Echo Park, Rainbow Park, or Deerlodge Park.

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