Business of the Month
November 2023
Dinosaur Inn and Suites
Dinosaur Inn & Suites is a locally owned family run business in Vernal.
Originally, in 1929, the owners of the property had cabins built so that travelers coming through the area could have a place to stay. Eventually, those cabins were torn down by the owners and the current buildings that sit on the property now were added through the years.
After being run by the same family for three generations, the historic property unfortunately closed in 2016. The appeal of bringing this piece of history back to life and sharing all the amazing things there are to do in the area with travelers from all over the world encouraged Cody, who had worked in the oilfield for 17 years and wanted to be able to be home with his family more, to make a career change. Cody and Shalene Bullock, long time Vernal residents, decided to quit their jobs, buy, and reopen the property in October 2017.
Shalene’s grandfather had been the head maintenance man for many years at the property and Shalene’s grandmother was the head housekeeper for many years. As a family run business, you will see Cody and Shalene’s children working right alongside them every day.
Cody and Shalene grew up in Vernal and love the community and its people. There is no other place in the world they would rather live and they are committed to helping better the community they live and play in. Dinosaur Inn & Suites sponsors, to name a few, Vernal Rodeo, Vernal Hotel Haunt, Dinah Balloon Festival, Kiwanis Club, Uintah Basin Stock Show, Holly Days, Uintah Theater, Tournament of Champions, and Marvelous Xtreme Bull Madness (Colby Lofthouse memorial scholarship). They are also committed to supporting and promoting other local businesses in the area.
Cody and Shalene love having the opportunity to meet and get to know people from all over the world who have come to enjoy and experience all our community has to offer. They and their amazing staff enjoy sharing with guests all the awesome things there are to do, hearing feedback on what an amazing, beautiful place Vernal is and how the guests can’t wait to come back and visit Vernal again.
The Public Relations Committee of the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce Is pleased to present Business of the Month to Dinosaur Inn & Suites for their continued support and commitment to our community.