Young musical genius Dante Zubel is once again garnering attention on a national stage, this time for a jazzy composition called “Groove Toss.” Much to the excitement of Dante’s family, friends and fans, Dante’s composition submission to the National Federation of Music Clubs Junior Composer Contest has advanced to the Regional round, for the fifth year in a row! For the past four years, Dante has won the Utah round in first place each time and advanced to Regionals where he advanced to Nationals three times and won there twice. Dante’s musical interests have recently broadened, drifting from traditional orchestral music to Jazz on both the upright and electric bass. “Groove Toss” is scored for trombone, trumpet, and saxophone sections, as well as piano, various percussion, bass and guitar. Congratulations Dante Zubel on your continued success and for representing the Basin so well.
Image Source: Dante Zubel Facebook Page