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Damage To Roosevelt Home Using Paint Results In Felony Charge 

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A can of paint was used to cause extensive damage to a home in Roosevelt on Sunday and the person responsible was arrested and now faces a felony charge. According to the Affidavit of Probable Cause, officers were dispatched to the home and were met by 25-year-old Cozy Lynn Brown who was alone and covered in white paint on her hands and clothing. When asked what happened, Brown said she was upset that the two people who had been in the home with her had left. She said one had punched her in the head though officers did not observe any signs of assault. Brown said she was alone and aggravated and threw a bottle of paint and it opened and got all over. She said she then went outside to get into one of the individual’s trucks and the keys were locked inside so she broke two of the truck’s windows. A search for outstanding warrants revealed that Brown had an outstanding statewide warrant and she was taken into custody. Later that day, officers were able to meet with the 2 individuals who had left the home. The one that Brown had claimed had assaulted her had a reddened left eye and fingernail scratches to his cheek. He said Brown had attacked him and he did hit her back to get away from her and grab his stuff to leave. The other individual corroborated the events and noted that there was no damage to the vehicle or home when they had fled the residence. The damages were estimated to be in excess of $5,000 dollars and Cozy Brown was charged with 2nd Degree Felony Property Damage/Destruction and Misdemeanor Assault and Intoxication. 

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