Daggett County Commission And Daggett County School District Update

by | Jan 3, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The latest Daggett County Fence Post included a report from the Daggett County Commissioners. The Commissioners shared that construction on the walking and biking trail should begin in late spring of 2024 and that the efforts for a ski resort are also seeing progress. Commissioners also congratulated Kathi Knight for winning the election for Mayor of the Town of Manila and Butch Johns as the Mayor of Dutch John. The Fence Post also included updates from the Daggett School District board meeting held in December. The District recently conducted a school security and safety review. Funding to make improvements was awarded from the Utah State Legislature in the amount of $440,333 dollars to the District. The improvements to safety will include additional training in safety and security roles, improved CCTV monitoring, vehicle barriers and measures to slow traffic on school grounds. Funding will also be used to install bullet-resistant glass coating for all perimeter and some interior school windows as well as duress alarms, among other safety improvements. 

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