Curtis Seeks To Expand Colorado River Water Program To Include Great Salt Lake

by | Sep 26, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Representative John Curtis advanced a bill through the House of Representatives that
seeks to expand the Colorado River Water Conservation Program to include the Great
Salt Lake. Speaking on the floor this week, Curtis said, “This would grant the Secretary
of the Interior greater flexibility to allocate unused funds from other sections of the
Central Utah Project Completion Act, also known as CUPCA to the Water Conservation
Program…The Great Salt Lake is a national treasure and a vital part of Utah’s way of life.
The bill demonstrates our commitment to protecting this valuable resource without
requiring new federal funds.” He also stated that by expanding the program’s
geographical scope, the bill would support state government of Utah local communities
and water districts in their conservation efforts to replenish the lake. The bill passed
through the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. Representative Blake
Moore shared his support for the bill. Moore said, “The Great Salt Lake Stewardship Act
is a critical next step that will provide the necessary resources to support water
conservation efforts that will help stabilize the Great Salt Lake.”

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