Craig Police Warn Of Advertising Scam

by | Nov 18, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Another day, another scam, and this time it’s the Craig Police Department that is urging the public to wise up. This particular scam comes in the mail. It is an advertising scam and even comes with a check to cash. “As you know if it’s too good to be true it probably is, and in this case, it’s no good. No matter how official it looks,” shares Craig Police. “As a reminder, if you get a check to cash in the mail AND this is something that you weren’t expecting, DON’T put the check in the bank. If you have ANY questions as to whether or not you are being scammed please reach out.” Contact your local law enforcement. This scam and others like it are hitting citizens throughout the region. Be sure to check on your elderly family members and neighbors and warn them of scams like this and what to look for in their mail. 

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