Constitution Party Candidate Charles Kraut Speaking at Library

by | Feb 19, 2020 | News | 0 comments

This year is the presidential election and though we have heard a great deal from both major parties there are other parties and individuals looking to run. Charles Kraut is a presidential candidate from the Constitution Party. He has served in the Army, has an MBA with an emphasis on Corporate Finance, and has worked as a financial advisor for almost forty years. He has written books about finances, freedom and the Constitution. Charles is quoted as saying, “My campaign is not about me; it is about freedom. I want to make sure that at least one candidate in the Presidential race will support and defend our Constitution, and will have the ability to significantly influence his or her colleagues and associates along those lines.” He would like to share his vision with the Uintah Basin and will be at the Uintah County Library on Thursday, February 20th. Those wanting to attend should meet in the upstairs conference room starting at 7pm and going to 8pm. To learn more about Charles Kraut, visit

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