Congressman Moore On Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Bill

by | Nov 8, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The House of Representatives passed a trillion dollar Infrastructure Bill on Friday that includes nearly $550 billion dollars in new spending above what was already planned. Congressman Blake Moore, who represents northeastern Utah, issued a statement saying that this passage was tied to the ongoing effort of the Democrats and Speaker Pelosi to advance what he calls the egregious $1.75 trillion dollar tax and spend package. Moore’s statement includes the following: “Undisciplined spending threatens our national security, raises prices, taxes the working class, and destroys jobs. The reconciliation bill mindlessly dumps billions of dollars into aged government programs we already know aren’t working. It dangerously expands the size and scope of the federal government at the expense of the state of Utah, funds abortions with taxpayer money, and raises taxes on job creators and Utah families. I will do all in my power to ensure it does not pass into law. I believe Congress must be much more thoughtful as we help ensure all Americans have opportunities to succeed. I will continue to fight for innovative, dynamic, and responsible federal spending to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.”

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