Congressman Moore Launches Bipartisan ‘What Works Caucus’

by | Sep 14, 2023 | News | 0 comments

On Wednesday, Utah Representative Blake Moore was among a group of four Congressmen that launched the bipartisan ‘What Works Caucus’ that aims to ensure that federal taxpayer dollars are invested as effectively and efficiently as possible.  “Evidence-based policy making has been at the forefront of my legislative strategy since my first day in office,” shared Representative Moore in a statement. “As we seek to rein in wasteful spending and more effectively use our federal resources, the need for a data-driven approach in Washington has never been clearer. I am grateful to co-lead the What Works Caucus and promote efficient and effective policies that we know work.” 

The Caucus will spotlight data-driven outcomes to expand across the U.S. and bring together representatives from across the political spectrum to help Congress evaluate which programs and policies deliver the best results.

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