Commissioner Norton On Tax Increase Public Hearing Turnout

by | Nov 10, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

The public hearing concerning the proposed property tax increase in Uintah County was
likely a lot to take in for the County Commissioners who are responsible for setting and
approving the coming year’s budget before the end of the year. Every person that wanted
to give their input to the Commissioners were given time to do so at the meeting but what
now? Did the public input offered make a difference? Commissioner Sonja Norton, who
has been the target of public criticism over the proposed tax increase, says that for her it
certainly did. “It made me want to do more,” shared Norton with Evans Family Media. “I
felt like I was doing everything I could but it gave me renewed vigor to get back in there
and look for other options, other ways to look at the budget and see if we can increase
revenue. Just because you think you’ll come up short doesn’t mean you have to raise
taxes,” stated Norton. “It means asking, what else can we do? The public really opened
up my mind to think outside the box and explore all options.” The budget is just one of
their many and varied responsibilities and Commissioners Norton, Laursen, and Horrocks
now have about a month to develop and approve the 2024 budget. If that will or won’t
include an increase in property taxes is yet to be seen.

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