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City Of Myton Newsletter Update 

by | Jan 20, 2025 | News | 0 comments

The latest Myton City Newsletter has updates on their top City topics. First, Myton City still does not have its own police officer because an agreement has not yet been made in the legal conflicts between Federal, State, Tribal, and Duchesne County entities. Myton citizens can call Duchesne County Dispatch for law enforcement services. The newsletter shares that Myton City was approved for the following funds: Water Line Grant, Main Street Roadway Joint Highway Fund Grant, Water Meters ARPA Grant, and the Division of Drinking Water Grant.  Finally, the newsletter shares a reminder to be a courteous pet owner with many citizens complaining of dogs running loose and community members being chased while riding their bikes or walking their own dogs. Always keep your dog leashed, pick up after them, and remember that having more than 3 dogs requires a kennel license in State Law. The next Myton City Council meeting is February 11th at 6:30pm. 

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