The 2020 Holly Days festival in Vernal has been altered to be compliant to COVID-19 regulations. The theme this year is very fitting: “Home for the Holly Days”. This year there is a Holly Days Activity Card that has 20 fun things to do in Vernal, such as make a card for the Troops (the drop box is located at Cobble Rock Park), read or tell a Christmas story, take a selfie with the ice sculpture at Cobble Rock Park, create a family art project, build a gingerbread house, build a snowman (it doesn’t have to be made out of snow), and drop a food donations off at the food pantry. Individuals fill out the card with the activities that they have accomplished, completing at least 15 of them, and then drop off the card at Cobble Rock Park on Friday, November 27th to be entered into a prize drawing. Activities will start on Saturday, November 21st and go until Friday, November 27th. Prize winners will be notified by text and must pick up their prizes from 3pm to 5pm. Any unclaimed prize will be reentered into the drawing. Cards can be picked up at Vernal Chamber of Commerce or downloaded at