Carnival in Uintah County Ordered CLOSED After Employees Test Positive for COVID-19 – Attendees Asked to be on High Alert

by | Jun 25, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The carnival that opened Thursday in Uintah County has been ordered CLOSED and ALL who attended need to be on high alert after multiple workers tested positive for COVID-19. According to TriCounty Health Officer Jordan Mathis, the carnival employees were tested in American Fork earlier this week and the state contacted TriCounty Health on Thursday evening that 9 employees of the carnival tested positive. “The big message is that anyone that attended the carnival on Thursday needs to take extra precautions,” shares Mathis. “Monitor for symptoms, practice physical distancing, wear a face covering, consider staying home and if you start to develop symptoms get tested immediately and take serious and extreme precaution around high risk individuals.” Mathis confirmed that the carnival is actively working with TriCounty Health on the investigation as they just learned of the test results Thursday night as well. 

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