Businesses Encouraged To Retire Flags And Support Student Fundraiser

by | Nov 9, 2023 | News | 0 comments

This week is the perfect time to retire your faded or worn American flag and purchase a new one. The Veterans Day Community Flags Retirement Ceremony, sponsored by the Sons of American Legion Post 11, is taking place on Veterans Day this Saturday at the Uintah Conference Center from 11am to 4pm. SAL Commander Guy Collett is passionate about appropriately retiring flags and encourages all community members and entities that display flags to attend on Saturday to show their flags the respect that they deserve. Attendees can come anytime during the event where firepits are provided for retiring their own flags or to help retire flags that are on hand. In Collett’s words, “It brings our Community together in a common cause to show our patriotism and respect for OUR FLAG and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation Under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for ALL. We say it, but how can we show that we mean it?” Collett also encourages the community to support the White House Academy fundraiser for students by purchasing a new flag from their American Flag Store at 447 East Main Street in Vernal during school hours. You can also call or text 435-828-8721. 

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