Brown Presents on Growth at the Vernal Regional Airport

by | Feb 13, 2020 | News | 0 comments

We might be a small, rural community but the efforts to improve our services and opportunities have certainly shown promise. On Tuesday at the Vernal Chamber luncheon, Vernal Regional Airport Manager Doug Brown provided a report on airport growth. In 2018, there were 10,658 Commercial Enplanements, a term for people flying out of Vernal commercially. For 2019, the area reached 13,561 Commercial Enplanements with a total of 27,129 passengers coming and going. Enterprise Car Rental also stays busy, stating that they have 60 to 70 cars rented at all times. The airport is functioning at a very high level which allows it to stay open and operate in all weather but fog. Brown explained that the airport is working with the FAA to find solutions for the fog and the visibility limitation it causes for landing. Brown shared that the Utah Airport Association held their conference last October in Vernal and that all the state, region and federal representatives were very impressed. Skywest General Manager Rita Smith also presented and shared that there will be a new mid-day flight on Saturday. 

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