‘Bring Ben home’ GoFundMe to Help Local Man After Vacation Health Emergency

by | Mar 9, 2020 | News | 0 comments

A local man’s family is asking for help after tragedy struck while on vacation. Ben Cluff is well known in the community having recently retired as the CEO of Ashley Regional Medical Center. Taking advantage of the freedom of retirement, Cluff was crossing off an item on his bucket list last week by taking a cruise through the Panama Canal with loved ones when he suffered a major heart attack. He was taken to a hospital in Costa Rica for treatment and it was originally hoped he could be flown back to the United States for treatment. Due to his serious condition it was determined he needed to have the surgery there. Thankfully the extensive surgery was a success and he spent several days recovering and is now preparing to hopefully come home soon. Unfortunately, the medical bills will be 100 percent out of pocket as the Cluff’s insurance will not cover medical expenses outside of the United States and the bills are already overwhelming the family. Those that would like to make a donation can visit the “Bring Ben home” campaign at GoFundMe.com. For those not in a position to make a monetary donation, notes of encouragement are also appreciated as is sharing the page link on social media. Again, that’s the “Bring Ben home” campaign on gofundme.com


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