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‘Boone’s Bikers & BBQ’ Event Raising Funds for 2-Year-Old with Cancer

by | Aug 27, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Cancer is devastating no matter who it is with the diagnosis but it is especially heartbreaking when the victim is a young child. 2-year-old Boone has an unforgettable smile. He was also recently diagnosed with cancer. In order to show support for little Boone and his family, a biker & BBQ event has been planned for
Saturday, September 22nd.
All who want to participate will meet at the Ballard City Park to register
at 8:00am
. It will be kickstands up
at 8:30am
for a ride to the Upper Stillwater Dam. A delicious BBQ lunch will be provided by The Hideout Steakhouse at the Ballard City Park
from noon to 2:00pm
. There will be food, a bounce house, and treats. Lunch tickets will be on sale
until September 15th.
The event will also include a fundraiser raffle to help the Gamble family with the growing medical expenses for Boone. For more information, call




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