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BLM RAC Meeting Next Week In Vernal

by | Jan 12, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The Bureau of Land Management meeting of the Utah Resource Advisory Council is coming up next week in Vernal. Items on the planned agenda include an overview of District-planning efforts, updates to the wild horse and burro program, projects for lands and realty, a review of Dingell Act implementations, and other issues as appropriate. Utah State Director Greg Sheehan says the contributions of the Council are critical in assisting the BLM in continuing to be a good neighbor in local communities and in helping make land-management decisions.” The meeting is open to the public, with a virtual option. There will be a small window for the public to share comments, but may be limited to a specified length of time. The meeting will be at the BLM Utah Green River District Office in Vernal on Saturday, January 18th from 8am and 4:30pm.


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