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BLM Moving Towards Stricter Greater Sage Grouse Conservation Efforts

by | Mar 15, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Uintah Basin stakeholders and leaders have been part of the effort to conserve greater sage grouse habitat in recent years but the Bureau of Land Management has announced a new draft plan to increase greater sage-grouse conservation and management on public lands. The BLM press release states that “the draft plan is built on decades of partnership, research, and on-the-ground knowledge and experience in maintaining, protecting and restoring healthy sagebrush habitats. Alternatives in the proposal build on the most successful components of the plans that the BLM adopted in 2015 and updated in 2019.” The draft environmental impact statement and plan amendments are open for public comment as of today and will run through June 13th. For information on how to view the amendments and make comments, visit The final environmental impact statement is expected this fall, followed by Records of Decision. 

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