BLM Conducting Fuels Reduction Treatment In Northeastern Utah

by | Aug 12, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The BLM Green River District Fire & Fuels Program will begin implementing hazardous
fuels reduction treatments on portions of Blue Mountain, Diamond Mountain, and the
Bookcliffs this month and continuing into early winter, weather permitting. “The
treatments will use a combination of heavy equipment for managing areas of dense fuel
loads and hand treatment methods with small power tools,” shares the BLM
announcement. “This hazardous fuels treatment is aimed at lowering the intensity of
wildfire risk near communities and providing safe access for firefighters. Additionally,
the treatments restore watershed health by addressing pinon-juniper encroachment and
invasive species.” Questions should be directed to the Fuels Program Manager Hank
Barela at 435-781-2741 or

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