Blake Moore Working To Help Outdoor Outfitting And Guiding Industry 

by | Nov 6, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The outdoor tourism industry is important to the Uintah Basin and Representative Blake Moore is part of an effort to provide relief to the workers in the outdoor outfitting and guiding industry with the Outdoor Recreational Outfitting and Guiding Act. “The outdoor tourism industry is foundational to Utah’s economy,” shares Representative Moore. “Unfortunately, new regulations threaten to overburden this critical industry.” Moore says he is pleased to introduce this bipartisan legislation to roll back regulations that have uniquely harmed outfitters and guides. Governor Spencer Cox has expressed his support and appreciation of this Act. “Millions of people each year depend on guides and outfitters to access Utah’s stunning mountains and canyons and we want to ensure rigid federal rules don’t make those trips more expensive for Utahns and visitors to Utah,” says Governor Cox. “Representative Moore’s bill would provide a common sense exception similar to the exemption for other industries that don’t use a standard 40-hour/week model.”

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