Black Bear Visiting Campsites On Flaming Gorge Ranger District

by | Jun 25, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Ashley National Forest has some good reminders for the public on what to do if you
encounter a bear while recreating on the forest. They have been receiving reports of a
black bear visiting campsites in the Browne Lake Campground within the Flaming Gorge
Ranger District and a live trap has been set to hopefully capture and relocate the bear.
“Visitors within the area are advised to be conscious of potential bear activity, and
practice bear aware techniques,” shares the announcement. “Bears are attracted to
campsites where food is not safely stored or disposed of. Please store your food out of
reach after each use. Never feed a bear. If you do encounter a bear, here’s some simple
advice: DO NOT RUN. Remain calm. Group together and pick up small children.
Continue to face the bear and back away slowly, talking calmly to identify yourself as a
human. If the bear continues to approach, try to scare it away by making yourself as large
and imposing as possible by stretching your arms overhead and making loud noises.
Carry and know how to use bear spray, which is available at many outdoor retailers and
can be used to deter a charging bear.

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