BHI Building Purchased by Uintah School District

by | May 15, 2020 | News | 0 comments

BHI and the Uintah School District have reached an agreement that is being called a win-win solution for both entities. The Uintah School District announced Friday that they have signed a contract to purchase the BHI building in Naples. The Uintah School Board voted unanimously in favor of the purchase during Wednesday’s public meeting with the intent that the building will become the new location for the District Office, Transportation Department, and other District programs. “While considering several options to address the facility needs of the district, the Uintah School District Board of Education decided on an option that will save the taxpayers of Uintah County millions of dollars,” shares Uintah Schools Superintendent Woodford. “The BHI building is well-suited for the needs of our District Office, Technology and Transportation departments. I would like to thank Erik Haslem and the BHI staff for their willingness to work with the Uintah School District on this transaction. This is a well-built facility that will serve our district well for many years to come.” BHI also released a statement about the agreement on Friday, making it clear that Uintah County is their home and BHI is here to stay. BHI shared the following: “For some time now, BHI has been exploring options to expand their corporate office. As BHI’s reach grows larger and larger, the need for space in the corporate office is a continual issue. Options included remodeling the current facility for more office space, purchasing a new property that better suits the needs of BHI, or constructing a new campus within Uintah County. While examining these different options and through discussions with the school district a win-win solution was created. The BHI location meets all the current and future needs of the school district with minimal adjustments. This change for BHI will enable us to create more opportunities for employment within the community through additional business strategies. We wish to be clear in our statement. BHI is growing and is stronger than we have ever been. We were founded here in Uintah County, we have our homes here and this is where our families live, work, and play. While the shape and location of our building may be changing, our commitment to this community and our desire to improve it has not changed. We are here and we are here to stay.”

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