Author Event Kicks Off National Novel Writing Month At Uintah County Library

by | Oct 13, 2023 | News | 0 comments

National Novel Writing Month is coming up and the Uintah County Library has events planned to support anyone who takes the challenge to write an entire novel in the month of November or at least shoot for 50,000 words. To kick it off, the Library is bringing in a panel of local authors. “The library is hosting this event to promote both reading and creativity,” shares event coordinator Lindsey North. “We have some of our local authors coming in to discuss their books and their writing process. Patrons who attend will get the opportunity to ask questions to these authors about anything they would like to know. There are a lot of writers or aspiring authors in our community and we are hoping to support them and encourage them.” The local authors on the panel will be K.B. Benson, Leisa Wallace, Caelen J. Peters, Courtney Millecam, and Carol M. Vaughn. The Author Convention is coming up November 4th from 1 to 4pm. Uintah County Library will also be hosting “write-ins” every Thursday during the month of November for the aspiring authors to come together, make connections and achieve their goal for National Novel Writing Month. 

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