Ashley Valley Water Treatment System Failed Microbial Treatment On Single Day

by | Oct 19, 2023 | News | 0 comments

A Drinking Water Notice was issued by the Central Utah Water Conservancy District on Monday stating that the Ashley Valley Water Treatment Plant did not meet treatment requirements on one day in September. According to the Notice, the water system failed to maintain microbial treatment for a brief time. “On September 22nd, a relatively new water flow control valve suddenly and unexpectedly broke at the Treatment Plant which provides drinking water to Vernal and part of Maeser. This failure caused a surge of water to go through the plant, and for about 20 minutes, water moved through the plant’s filters at a faster rate than allowed. Plant staff responded very quickly and prevented the situation from becoming worse. Due to the brevity of this event, the water that left the plant storage reservoir met regulatory standards for clarity and was thoroughly disinfected before going to the public.” The Treatment Plant has put in place an additional system that will shut down the plant quickly and automatically if a similar valve failure occurs in the future. The Notice also stated that outside of a 20-minute period on September 22nd, the treatment plant has met all requirements. All samples taken after the event tested negative for coliform bacteria and E. coli. 

For more information or for comments please contact

Ashley Valley Regional Water Treatment Plant
 3550 N 2500 W
Vernal, UT 84078
(435) 789-0421  

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