Ashley Regional Medical Center Recognizes Employees at Annual Banquet

by | Nov 22, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Ashley Regional Medical Center took time to recognize their employees at their annual banquet that took place on November 14th at the Uintah Conference Center. “Each year, leadership, department managers and the honored staff and their spouses come together and celebrate the achievement of 5, 10, 15, (and more) years of service at the hospital,” shares the press release about the event. “This year’s event commenced with a welcome and appreciation message from Ben Cluff, CEO. After an exquisite dinner, department managers shared their personal gratitude for what each and every person has brought to the organization, patients, and our community. A gift and certificate were presented to each person. The room was filled with a group of people that have shown great commitment and compassion within their specific roles throughout Ashley Regional.”

Sixteen employees were recognized for 5 years of service. Eight employees were recognized for 10 years of service. Seven employees were recognized for 15 years of service. And four employees were recognized for 20 years of service. Of particular achievement, Pennie Johnson was recognized for 30 years of service while Debbie Spafford was recognized for 35 years of service. In addition to recognizing employees, CEO Ben Cluff also thanked the staff’s spouses and significant others for their support. 

Photo details (from left to right): Chad Labrum, CFO, Ben Cluff, CEO, Debbie Spafford, 35 years Compliance & Ethics, Pennie Johnson, 30 years Maternity, Greg Gardiner, CNO

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