Ashley National Forest is a popular place for more than just those enjoying some camping and recreation. Bears have also been making their presence known. “There have been a growing number of incidents with bears entering campsites as the use of the Forest and the severity of the drought has increased,” shares Ashley National Forest. “Please be bear aware and store your food in places that bears cannot access. Several bears have been trapped and relocated so far this year with incidents continuing to be reported.” Utah’s mountains and forests are home to thousands of black bears and being Bear Aware means cleaning up campsites and putting things that smell into bags. Never leave campsites littered with trash. Once a bear gets into trash it becomes habituated to people which often results in the bear being euthanized. For a safe campsite: store food, drinks and scented items securely; dispose of trash in bear-proof dumpsters; wipe down picnic tables; burn food off stoves or grills; pitch tents away from trails; sleep inside your tent; never approach or feed a bear; and report bear sightings.