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Ashley National Forest Reminds All That Christmas Tree Topping Is Illegal

by | Nov 29, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Ashley National Forest made Christmas Tree cutting permits available starting in early November and the bad behavior of some is requiring a major reminder for all. There have been reports of people illegally topping trees this year and Ashley National Forest is asking the public to reference the Christmas tree permit rules attached to every permit. “Topping of trees is illegal and unsightly,” shares the reminder. “Please cut your tree below the lowest live limb. Cut the tree leaving only 6 inches of a stump above the ground surface (not snow level). Topping trees, while unsightly, can also affect forest health detrimentally by affecting the way forest stands grow. Please follow the rules when collecting your Christmas tree.” Christmas tree permit vendors this year in the Vernal area include Davis Food and Drug, Uinta Outdoor Power Equipment, Liberty Corner in Lapoint, and the Ashley National Forest office. Vendors this year in Duchesne County include Hanna Country Store, Stewarts, Davis Market, and the District Office in Duchesne. Vendors this year in the Manila/Dutch John area include Flaming Gorge Market, Flaming Gorge Resort, and the Flaming Gorge District Office. 

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