Ashley National Forest Project Improving Access To High Uintas Wilderness Area

by | Aug 23, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Work on the Ashley National Forest is always onward and upward. Two crews from the Utah Conservation Corps recently worked on a section of the Brown Duck Trail just before the High Uintas wilderness boundary. There was a great need as a stretch of the trail had mud up to two feet deep that was seriously hindering passage. The focus of the entire project was to build a corduroy stringer bridge from locally sourced materials. “The bridge improves the trail’s accessibility to horses in particular as the mud posed a significant hazard to these heavy animals often carrying user’s gear,” shares the announcement. The crews were able to create a drainage that goes beneath the bridge to allow water to pass underneath. It took four days to complete the construction of the bridge which will allow hikers and horses to safely pass over the deep mud.  

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