Application Window Coming up For Spring Turkey Hunting Permits

by | Nov 18, 2021 | News | 0 comments

You missed the legal window for hunting if you hoped to get out and harvest your own turkey for this year’s Thanksgiving but wildlife officials have the scoop on hunting for next year’s feast. The Division of Wildlife Resources shares that the application period for the spring 2022 limited-entry turkey hunt opens December 1st and must be submitted by December 27th. The results of the drawing will be released no later than January 6th. The limited-entry hunt will be held April 9th through the 28th. There are only 250 permits available for Northeastern Utah. This is among the lowest compared to other parts of the state like Southern Utah where 700 permits are available. If you don’t draw one of the limited-entry permits, you can still hunt turkeys in the spring. After the limited-entry hunt is over, the general statewide turkey hunt happens May 2nd through the 31st. The youth turkey hunt will run April 29th to May 1st. Permits for the general-season hunt are not limited. Visit for more information. 

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