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‘Almost, Maine’ Opening Tonight At Vernal Theatre: Live

by | Jan 13, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Vernal Theatre: Live has the cure to the January blues with their show opening tonight. ‘Almost, Maine’ is about a group of people living so far north, it’s almost Canada. One cold, clear winter night, under the northern lights, the residents of Almost, Maine find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and hilarious ways. It is known as a heartwarming laughter-filled play. Director Emily Walker says the story and the caliber of acting make it a show truly worth seeing. “Almost, Maine is such a fantastic and unique show,” shares Walker. “It features a town that isn’t quite a town with people you feel like you know. Every scene is its own little love story, showing different facets of what it is to be in love. The emotions portrayed are raw, real, often sweet and sometimes a little bitter. The actors have done incredible work, and you will be absolutely captivated by each of their performances.” Almost, Maine opens tonight and runs through January 21st with curtain each night at 7pm. Get tickets at

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