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All Invited To 9-11 Day Of Remembrance Service Activity This Saturday

by | Sep 4, 2024 | News | 0 comments

A 9-11 Day of Remembrance Service Activity is happening this Saturday in Vernal and all are invited to participate. This is a local event that is part of the National Day of Service in Remembrance of 9-11. Event organizer Georgene Cook shares that the committee decided to partner with Vernal City to paint all the fire hydrants within the city limits. “Vernal City has been so easy to work with!” shares Cook. “We would like to invite anyone in the community to come and be part of a nationwide service project.” By participating, Cook says she hopes participants gain “unity in community, a feeling of pride in being able to help serve and beautify the community, and a desire to do more acts of service for others and community.” The activity is this Saturday, September 7th. Meet between 9 and 10am in the old True Value parking lot, 280 West Main in Vernal. Everyone is invited to participate. Anyone age 11 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Please dress appropriately for working with paint and 1 licensed driver is needed per group. 

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