Adulting 101 Offered for Local Teens by Uintah County 4-H and Library

by | Feb 20, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Jumping from teen to an adult has a bevy of challenges that often times hasn’t even crossed a teenager’s mind. The Utah State Extension-Uintah County 4-H and the Uintah County Library want to help those that are of the ages 13 to 18 to  be prepared for adulting. The class entitled Adulting 101 will focus on helping the teens that attend to manage money, to create a budget, to get a job, and how to cook a meal, as a few examples. There will be tips and tricks to help ease youth into adulthood. Individuals can plan on attend a single workshop or all of them, though attendance of five of the seven classes will earn you a prize. Classes will be held on Fridays starting March 13th and will be sporadically spread out until June 19th with classes running from 3pm to 5pm. Sign up through their link on the Uintah County Library Facebook page. 

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