A Tale As Old As A Dinosaur Bone; Dr. John Foster to Present at Utah Field House

by | Feb 19, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The rare Brachiosaurus bone that is on display in the Utah Field House of Natural History Museum in Vernal is the talk of the town. Well, more the talk of the world as it has made international news. The Utah Department of Natural Resources issued a press release explaining that a recent team of paleontologists, including some from Vernal, recovered the 6-foot 7-inch humerus bone belonging to the 30-ton dinosaur from the desert of southern Utah. This is only the second Brachiosaurus ever found in Utah and only the tenth individual of this very rare dinosaur. Weighing probably around 30 to 40 tons, the almost giraffe-like Brachiosaurus was larger than most of its contemporaries and differed from its cousins in being built with a high “front end” for feeding in tree-tops.  Doctor John Foster will be at the Utah Field House of Natural History on Thursday, February 20th to present the “30 ton Arm Lizard: The Geologically Oldest Brachiosaurus and Its Descendants in Utah and Beyond.” This lecture is free to the public and starts promptly at 7pm. If you have questions call the Utah Field House at 435-789-3799.

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