Theft Continues To Be a Problem In Local Communities

by | Jan 6, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Theft in the community isn’t necessarily on the rise but that doesn’t mean it is going away. “Let’s call it a consistent problem,” shares Vernal City Assistant Police Chief Keith Campbell. “I would encourage people in our community to lock their homes and vehicles and not leave property visible in vehicles and on porches that would entice or encourage a potential thief.” Campbell also recommends that citizens contact Central Dispatch immediately when they observe crimes or suspicious behavior. When it comes to packages on doorsteps, if you are unable to bring it in right away, have a neighbor, friend, or family member watch for the package. If packages are taken inside and are out of sight it will reduce temptation and availability for thieves. If a package appears to be missing, attempt to track it and if it has been delivered and is missing, report it to Central Dispatch at 435-789-4222. 

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