Roosevelt Library Construction Project Progresses Despite Supply Issues

by | Jan 5, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Construction on the new Roosevelt library has stayed on track despite supply issues. “Thus far, the project is still proceeding on schedule as hoped,” shares Duchesne County Library Director Daniel Mauchley, “though we have had to change a few mechanical and structural components to other models as the original models called for in the design are not available in some cases for 18 months due to supply issues. The various engineers and supervisors have been diligent in finding suitable and sound replacements in each case that can arrive in a more timely fashion to avoid delaying the project.” December was a productive month for construction. Mauchley shares that most of the utility main lines to the building are connected, the prefabricated metal structure for the main library area is complete, and a lot of framing for the other wings of the building are in place.  

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