Ashley Regional Celebrates Staff Milestones

by | Nov 16, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Healthcare workers certainly deserve recognition and appreciation and Ashley Regional Medical Center aimed to give them just that last week as they celebrated staff milestone anniversaries. Twenty individuals were recognized, including Veronica Martin with the longest milestone at 40 years of service followed by Jennifer Lance and Chad Labrum with 30 years of service. “We are grateful to have these individuals as part of the team here at Ashley Regional,” shared CEO Wes Taylor. “Their commitment and ‘count on me’ spirit shines through in the work they do within their department and for the hospital as a whole…I think it’s important to note, we greatly appreciate the work and dedication of all our staff. However, a special mention and thank you needs to go to the support of each person’s family. Over the past 20+ months, staff have been pulled away from their families more due to staffing shortages and we appreciate the support and understanding their family has provided during this pandemic.”

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