UDOT Announces Highway 40 Lane Restrictions East Of Strawberry Reservoir

by | Nov 15, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Lane restrictions will be in place on Highway 40 east of Strawberry Reservoir and in

Daniel’s Canyon as early as today. According to the announcement from UDOT,

construction crews will begin repair work at two separate locations: from Clegg Canyon

to the summit in Daniel’s Canyon and from Soldier Creek to Fruitland. This is to seal

cracks in the pavement surface in preparation for resurfacing work planned for next

summer. Restrictions will be in place Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

through mid-December with the exception of Thanksgiving weekend. “Sealing cracks in

the pavement is important because water can be a road’s worst enemy,” said Jeremy

Bown, UDOT project engineer. “With the freeze and thaw periods and the number of

vehicles that use Highway 40 on a daily basis, it can result in a lot of wear and tear on the

asphalt, so it’s vital we do what we can to extend the service-life of our roadways. Once

the cracks are sealed, our construction contractors will return next summer to seal the

road surface and place engineered gravel on top of the asphalt surface.” Moderate travel

delays are to be expected. To stay up to date of traffic conditions, visit


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