Give’m Health: Teaching Teens The Truth About Big Tobacco

by | Nov 10, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Kids, especially teens, can be especially prone to suggestion making them a perfect target. TriCounty Health Department’s Give’m Health focus this week is on teen tobacco prevention and their approach is centered on educating teens about the target that is fixed squarely on them. TriCounty Health explains: “Traditionally, youth in rural areas have been exposed to higher levels of tobacco advertising and these cultural ideas (such as the Marlboro man, tobacco use is edgy, and now vaping is the new trend in the culture) exist due to the fact that roughly $1 million dollars an hour is spent by tobacco companies to advertise their products. What people, especially teenagers, don’t realize is the fact that tobacco companies have privatized their profits and outsourced their risks. The goal of tobacco companies is to get as much nicotine in a teenager’s brain as possible and get a lifelong customer addicted to tobacco products in order to make money. The tobacco companies do not care at all about the health or addictions of their clients.” To learn more and listen to the Give’m Health radio segment, visit

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