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DWR: Drought Means Higher Chance of Human Bear Encounters

by | May 19, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Department of Wildlife Resources is warning the public that the drought has set up conditions that have decreased the bears food supply and will lead them to find alternate food sources. This means a serious increase in the likelihood of bear encounters. If one does encounter a bear remember the following tips: Make sure to stand one’s ground. Do not back up, lie down or play dead. Do not run away or climb a tree as a bear is an excellent tree climber and can run up to 35 miles per hour. Be aware of bear behavior. A bear that stands up, grunts, moans or makes other sounds, it’s not being aggressive, rather it is getting a better look/smell and expressing its interest. If a Black Bear does attack ALWAYS FIGHT BACK! Do not give up as people have successfully defended themselves using whatever they could grab.

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