Uintah School District Seeks Artwork From Current and Former Students

by | Mar 22, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah School District Offices will soon relocate to the BHI facility on Highway 40 in Naples and while it’s not quite time for that move, plans are well underway. Among the planning is the gathering of artwork from a very appropriate group of people. According to the announcement, Uintah School District is now “seeking artwork from current and former students for display in the new district office. We are looking for artwork in all 2D mediums,” shares the school district. “Pieces need to be at least 12”x18” and will be on loan to the district for 3 to 4 years before being rotated out. All submitted artwork will be reviewed by the district’s Art Selection Committee and artists will be notified of selections.” The announcement makes no mention of an age limit. For those interested, contact district Arts Coordinator Lynna Kendall at lynna.kendall@uintah.net or 435-781-3100, ext. 1014. 

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