DWR: Don’t Let Dogs Chase Wildlife While Enjoying the Outdoors

by | Mar 18, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Spring is a great time to head outdoors but the Division of Wildlife Resources has a clear message for dog owners: do not let them run wild and chase wildlife. Dogs that are off leash while in nature may act on their instincts to chase deer and other big game animals but this is harmful for wildlife because by the end of winter they are often vulnerable and weak from struggling to find food. “If they get chased, it uses up energy they may need to survive,” says Covy Jones, DWR big game coordinator. “These animals are already depleted, and they often can’t afford to waste energy. If you or a pet force them to move away from where they are trying to feed, it could be harmful.” The DWR also emphasizes that it can also be dangerous for the pet as wildlife often injure or kill anything seen as a threat. Lesser known is a Utah law that states that a person may kill or injure a dog that is “attacking, chasing or worrying any species of hoofed protected wildlife.” For the entire press release and for tips on keeping your dog safe around wildlife, visit www.wildlife.utah.gov

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